FOMCI is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to supporting the Refuge. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

The mission of the Friends of Maine Coastal Islands NWR is to support Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge in its efforts to conserve, protect, and enhance the rich diversity of coastal habitats, seabirds, and other wildlife.

- Develop networks to support funding for seabird island protection.
- Build diverse, broad-based community support for coastal conservation issues.
- Build awareness and appreciation of Refuge habitats through education.
- Promote local and national media coverage.
- Sponsor symposia, lectures and conferences, and written materials.
- Support the development of an education center and special programs.
- Sponsor an island intern program.
- Build partnerships and coalitions with other coastal conservation organizations.
- Develop individual, foundation and corporate support.
- Sponsor hands-on, activity-oriented stewardship projects.
The Future of Maine's Seabirds is in Your Hands!
Your Gift is vitally important to support the conservation of Maine’s coastal islands for wildlife and the restoration and management of seabird colonies. Donations to Friends of Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge support educational programs for children and adults and extend outreach into the community on behalf of the Refuge.